With the credit crunch biting into the property market, sellers have to adjust their tactics to sell. In slower markets supply outweighs demand, so conditions differ from times when property booms are occurring.
Firstly, do not shy away from advertising. In periods like this you have to actively seek buyers as opposed to waiting for them to come to you. Those who more heavily promote themselves in tougher periods will get more bang for their dollars, because other sellers tend to cut their ad budgets. So your ads will stand out.
The next thing is to be more flexible with your inspection hours. It’s necessary to have open-for-inspections, but with a more limited market you also need to make your property available for private appointments as well. This way you’ll attract more buyers by offering times that suit their schedules.
In buyers’ markets, prospective purchasers can be more fussy than normal because they tend to have the upper hand. So it’s good to cater to this sentiment remembering that lifestyle considerations and emotions also kick in. Thus, you need to present your property in the best possible light. That means keeping the garden looking topnotch, possibly adding more plants, replacing worn carpets and keeping the kitchen and bathrooms sparkling clean.
Things to particularly look out for are that there’s no cigarette odour, mould or pets.
If you have a question about real estate, or would like assistance in locating a property, feel free to phone me, Noel Thompson Principal Professionals Logan Lifestyles at either Browns Plains 3800 4000, Marsden 3200 4495, Springwood 3808 5544 or Waterford 3299 7733.
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