Thursday, November 13, 2008

Property Manager Role

The Role of a Property Manager

The first thing a property manager does is help to keep you legal in everything you do relative to your tenant. It is the manager’s job to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the obligations and responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant including any new changes in the law.

The next thing is that a property manager will greatly assist in choosing the right tenant one who will pay on time and properly care for your property. By formalising the screening process you remove the onus of having to vet the various applicants yourself. Plus property managers can access credit reports and know how to interview references.

Keeping your property in tiptop shape is important to attracting tenants. Your property manager will not only field any tenant calls for repairs on your behalf but will also periodically inspect your property to see that it’s being properly maintained. They also only use reliable tradespeople whom they can employ as needed.

On top of this your property manager will handle all transitions in tenancies making sure a condition report is properly filled out at the outset and that the final inspection professionally assesses all wear and tear on the property to determine any needed repairs maintenance or damages.

They will then attend to collecting any outstanding debts, and don’t forget the monthly collections of rental and slow payment follow-up that’s part of their on-going services.

If you are an investor and would like to talk about managing your property feel free to phone Noel Thompson Principal Professionals Logan Lifestyles on 3299 7733 or 0418 517 525 or Sandra Reynolds Senior Property Manager on 07 3299 7733 or call into our office at Waterford for immediate assistance.

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